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Sexually experienced girls Erin Everheart and Kendra Cole share their discovery on their first tasting of a sweet wet pink pussy flower as they slowly get hands on with each other. For this club they both came with much experience and were ready to get real and intimate. Erin was more than happy to spread her legs wide first for Kendra to get really deep in her pussy with her tongue and fingers before going wrist deep up inside Erin's pussy! But when it came to Kendra's tight pink lips, Erin fist fucked her hole as Kendra came and came again with delight, finishing off the session with Erin's strap-on for Kendra to ride and fuck like a pro! - INTERACTIVE TOY READY!

Erin Everheart & Kendra Cole Are Very Good With Their Hands

Avg Rating: 4.2

12/05/2023, 224 Photos, 36 min of video

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